Top Tips for Increasing the Popularity of Your Small Nursery

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 23:21

Only those people who adore children can be successful in running a nursery, but a fair amount of business acumen is also fairly necessary.

Whether you have been running your nursery for a number of years, or you have only recently officially opened the doors, popularity and longevity are the name of the game.

Read on to discover some top tips for increasing the popularity of your small nursery business.

  1. Start As You Mean to Go On

You will already have spent thousands of pounds on ensuring you have the right equipment; that you have ticked every necessary legal box; and that you have a wide selection of different toys, games and other practical items on-site.

One area that you may be looking to improve on further, however, is the flooring; and if this is the case, leading suppliers of educational, high-quality and attractive playmats, such as those at, for example, would be the perfect company to contact, should you be looking to upgrade your nursery’s equipment and in particular, playmats for babies and young children.

  1. Offer Prospective Parents a Personalised Tour

The key to winning the trust (and custom) of parents who come to enquire about your nursery is to make a good first impression and ensure that their experience is as personal as possible.

As soon as they set foot inside the door, it is up to you and the rest of your team to impress them, which can be summarised as making sure each set of parents feel as if they may well be your most important client.

Make sure you highlight the overall ethos and core values of your business and time-permitting, you could also let potential parents know about why you wanted to open your nursery in the first place.

  1. Design Smarter Marketing Initiatives

Bring the spotlight onto your nursery by making smart decisions when it comes to promoting your business; one outstanding benefit of the invention of social media is that business owner can utilise such platforms to advertise.

Images of the facilities and activities you offer at different times also work as an enticing draw to people searching online for the right nursery for their cherished children.

Luckily there is a huge range of proven-to-be effective ways of promoting a nursery, including the following:

  • Creating a Google Business Profile
  • Offering flyers to local businesses
  • Starting a blog on your nursery website
  • Contacting the right members of your local council
  • Sharing content on early years education online
  • Networking amongst other local businesses
  • Directing promotions through e-mail and even through the letterbox of locals
  • Posting positive online reviews on social media
  1. Host Family Fun Days

Ingratiating yourself into the local community, both in the context of the business itself and also using your own face and backstory, will connect you with current and prospective parents alike.

Holding family open days, with stalls and activities for children and adults alike to enjoy, will also serve to boost the presence of your nursery in the community and spread the word that your nursery is the best place for small children to learn and grow.



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