Fibro Fatigue

Tips for managing fibro fatigue

Fibro fatigue can be managed through lifestyle changes and lifestyle changes, but it can be hard to make the tiredness disappear completely. That being said, we have created a list of things you can do to help alleviate your fatigue.

Identify the Triggers

Learning what causes your fibro fatigue is vital in helping you manage it. More often than not, fibro fatigue is a result of your mood, diet, sleeping patterns, stress levels and environment. Stress can be a big trigger when it comes to Fibromyalgia, if you need legal advice contact Fibromyalgia specialists Brian Barr Solicitors. As such, consider keeping a record of your fatigue levels on a daily basis. Record when you woke up, what you ate, when you went to bed as well as any activity you did that day.

After several weeks, see whether you can identify any patterns. For instance, you feel the most fatigue when you skip your morning workout or after snacking on a sugary treat. Next, use this information to avoid doing anything that usually makes you feel more tired.

Workout on a Regular Basis

Finding the motivation to workout on a regular basis can be difficult when in pain or when you are tired. However, exercise is one of the best ways to manage fatigue. Working out can ideally help alleviate fibromyalgia pain.

In addition, working out helps increase your muscle mass, strength, and overall health. Also, the endorphin release, which occurs during exercise can play a role in improving the quality of your sleep, as well as a boost in energy.

According to a study done in 2008 that compared the effects of aerobic exercise to a muscle-strengthening program in individuals with fibromyalgia, both forms of exercise substantially minimized pain symptoms, sleep, fatigue, depression as well as tender points.

If you are not sure of where to start, then consider starting with just half an hour of walking every day and then gradually increase the pace plus duration after every week. Strength training using weights or resistance bands can help you gain muscle.

Come up With a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Fibromyalgia is not necessarily something you can do away with by just ensuring quality sleep, but a good night's sleep can certainly help with time. The first step towards getting a good night's sleep is creating a relaxing bedtime routine. That being said, here are several tips for creating one:

- Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, including weekends

- Get a high-quality mattress

- Avoid taking caffeine, nicotine or alcohol when bedtime is near

- Keep your bedroom dark and cool

- Turn off the TV, cellphone, and computer at least an hour before bedtime.

- Avoid taking a large meal before bedtime

- Read a book just before bedtime

- Take a warm bath before going to bed

Change Your Diet

Although no specific diet has been shown to reduce fibro fatigue, it is always a good idea to adopt a healthy, balanced diet. In order to ensure a balanced diet, look for ways to include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean protein and healthy fats in your diet. Avoid eating processed, salty, fried, and sugary foods.

Also, there is evidence that these foods can increase symptoms in individuals with fibro fatigue:

- Gluten-containing foods

- Fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide, and polyols

- Food chemicals or additives such as aspartame and excitotoxins, like monosodium glutamate or MSG.

Try and avoid consuming these foods and see whether your fatigue improves.

Treat Other Conditions

Individuals with fibro fatigue tend to have other health conditions like insomnia, anxiety, depression, and restless leg syndrome (RLS). These comorbid conditions can make fibromyalgia worse.

Depending on underlying health conditions and your health history, your physician can recommend:

- Multivitamin if you have been malnourished

- Sleeping pills to help manage insomnia, like zolpidem

- Iron supplements in order to treat anemia

- Antidepressants such as fluoxetine, milnacipran, and duloxetine


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