Snacking at work - top tips

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Monday, May 17, 2021 - 07:15

One thing that seems to go hand in hand with the working day is snacking. Some people are lucky enough to have a healthy vending machine in their workplace; however, if they don’t have an office vending machine that offers healthy snacks, they will need to find ways to take their own snacks to work. 

Most companies already have office coffee machines to offer staff good quality hot drinks, but some aren’t as accommodating when it comes to snacks. See out tips below on how to reduce rumbling stomachs at work!

Plan your snacks

Many of us already know about meal planning and how that can be beneficial to us financially and health-wise. However, what you may not realise is that you can also plan your snacks. Snacks should be relatively easy to grab and go; they should be tasty and, they should be as healthy as possible. 

Think about protein

When it comes to healthy snacks for work, one of the best things you need to look out for is protein. Protein is not only essential for your body to ensure that it heals itself, but it also keeps hunger at bay. This will be ideal for you if you don’t want to eat too much whilst you are at work. 

Always have a drink with your snack

Whenever you enjoy a snack, you should always make sure that you have a drink too. This means that you won’t eat too many snacks. It is also good because it reminds you to drink as much as you can when you are at work, which many people forget to do. 

Make sure that you are not snacking when you are bored

Do you find that you always turn to snacks when you are completing a tedious task? If you do, then the chances are that you are snacking, not because you are hungry, but because you are bored. This isn’t a good habit to get into, so if you notice this, try to break the need to eat when you are doing a monotonous task. 

No matter what you enjoy when it comes to snacking, following these top tips should mean that you get to enjoy a delicious snack whilst still remaining as healthy as possible.

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