Wine Preservation: What You Need to Know About Sparkling Wine

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 21:44

Around 68% of wine drinkers in Hong Kong believe in spending more on a bottle, which explains why so many of us choose sparkling wine over other varieties.  

Understanding how to preserve sparkling wine is essential for making your bottle last longer and maintaining its delicious taste. But, if you're new to this world, it's difficult knowing which are the best options to take. Maybe that's why you're here; you're unfamiliar with wine preservation and are looking for advice. 

Sounds familiar? Luckily, we've got you covered. Here are our top tips on sparkling wine preservation.  

Use a Wine Preservation System 

Anyone set on sparkling wine preservation should invest in a cutting-edge system. These are an effective way of keeping your bubbles fresh as it eliminates oxygen from the wine. But make sure you follow the system's instructions carefully as it varies, depending on the manufacturer.  

Store in a Cool, Dark Place

One of the top tips for preserving sparkling wine is storing it in a cool, dark place to preserve its flavor. You can either transform your basement into a wine cellar or invest in a specialized fridge instead. A top piece of advice is checking that the bottles are standing upright as it will stop the cork from drying out.  

Use a Reusable Cork 

When you learn how to store sparkling wine, you should then grab a reusable cork. These nifty gadgets seal in the bubbles and ensure that it's fresh next time you enjoy a glass of wine. But make sure that you seal it immediately after for the best results. 

Try the Spoon Hack

Still stumped for sparkling wine preservation techniques?

Note, another tip on how to preserve sparkling wine is trying the spoon hack. This is where you slide a metal spoon into the opened bottle's neck before storing it in the refrigerator. Like a champagne plug, the refrigerated metal spoon creates an air plug and prevents bubbles from releasing.  

Cover With Plastic Wrap 

Out of all the sparkling wine preservation tips, this one is the easiest. Wrap the opened bottle with plastic wrap as it will insulate the bottle and help it maintain a constant temperature. This is equally as important as eliminating oxygen because it keeps the sparkling wine fresh. 

Never Freeze Your Sparkling Wine

Many wine lovers fall into the trap of freezing their bottles of bubbly, but this makes matters worse. This is because most sparkling wine thrives at 50 degrees Fahrenheit; otherwise, the bubbles will burst. To prevent this, open the bottle carefully from the get-go and store it properly.  

Our Sparkling Wine Preservation Tips

Hopefully, you're now an expert on sparkling wine preservation.

There are many useful tricks to take on board, such as using a wine preservation system and covering an open bottle with plastic wrap. Sparkling wine enthusiasts should also invest in a reusable cork or even try the spoon method as a last resort. Good luck! 

Good read? Awesome! Then, check out the rest of our blog for more useful tips and tricks. 


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