8  Menopause Symptoms that May Surprise You

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 23:07

Menopause is usually viewed from a lens of symptoms that are thought to be common, such as hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, etc.

It is a very important transition in a woman's life, and even though knowledge about it is fairly common nowadays, and women know about the more commonly experienced symptoms, there are still a lot of symptoms that are not widely known about.

So, this article will help you understand more about the lesser-known symptoms that you might have to deal with during menopause! So, keep on reading to find out more!

Metallic Taste 

Menopause is a period in which you might experience some uncommon or even peculiar symptoms, one of which could be a change in how you perceive taste!

You could be experiencing a sort of metallic taste in the mouth during menopause, which tastes similar to sucking coins or a lingering, metallic flavor.

This sensation can be very bothersome and uncomfortable because it is not very common. But not to worry, as some hormones are known to affect the way taste receptors in your tongue work, so that might be a reason why you might experience this symptom.

Some other factors that can affect you are medications you might be on or changes in the composition of saliva in your mouth.

Skin Changes

Wrinkles and dry skin are often seen as signs of aging, but there are a lot of other signs that come up during menopause. For example, changes in hormone levels can lead to collagen production and skin elasticity, too, like changes in the texture or the tone of your skin.

Another skin-related symptom you might face is dryer skin because oil is produced in a lesser quantity due to limited estrogen production. However, the opposite can happen, too! You might even notice that you develop oily skin or acne during menopause, and that is completely normal, too!

This usually takes place because of more oil production, causing more breakouts. If you already have conditions like rosacea and eczema, these conditions might probably get worse when you're going through menopause.

Understanding why these changes occur and what you can do to manage them, along with maintaining a good skincare routine, can really help you maintain healthy skin during menopause.

Joint Pain and Muscle Aches

Joint pain and muscle aches can be seen as possible signs of arthritis or physical exertion; they can also happen during menopause, which is why it is important to know about them.

The reduction in the level of estrogen can lead to your joints feeling more uncomfortable because of inflammation and stiffness, too.

This reduction in estrogen levels can also impact your body's ability to produce collagen, which can impact connective tissues and their flexibility and strength. Your muscle mass can also be affected, so you can experience a range of symptoms, from joint pain to stiffness to even muscle weakness and fatigue!

In times like these, it is important to help alleviate these symptoms by regularly exercising and caring for your body.

Digestive Discomfort

There are some digestive issues that you might experience during menopause that might catch you off guard, but don't worry, as they're very normal! These symptoms may include bloating, gas, constipation, or even diarrhea!

The overall decrease in estrogen levels may cause a change in your gut motility and sensitivity, so if you have conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or other gastrointestinal conditions, they might get worse during this period.

Hormonal changes during menopause can also lead to you craving more food, which can result in weight gain. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet and practicing stress relief techniques during menopause can help you manage these gut-related changes well.

Cognitive Changes

A lot of cognitive changes can also occur during menopause, like brain fog, forgetfulness, etc. They can even fluctuate and can be peculiar if they come up all of a sudden.

When your hormones fluctuate, and estrogen declines, the speed with which your brain functions can be altered, and cognitive symptoms such as brain fog can be experienced.

If you're also experiencing mood swings and stress as a result of menopause, they can also add to these cognitive difficulties. Adopting habits that positively impact your brain and your body, such as regular exercise and a good level of cognitive stimulation during this period, can help maintain mental sharpness!

Increased Allergy Symptoms

If you already have allergies, the symptoms can get much worse during menopause, mostly because estrogen, an important hormone, has the power to impact your immune system, and a reduction in the levels of estrogen can lead to your immune system firing up more than usual. It can lead to you experiencing sneezing, itching, or congestion, too.

If this is happening to you, please consider visiting a healthcare professional so that you can develop a personalized management plan, which may include medicines like nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, and strategies that you might learn to avoid allergens.

Changes in Sexual Function 

Menopause can also relate to changes in sexual functions and a change in libido due to physical symptoms such as vaginal dryness and decreased elasticity. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining vaginal health and overall lubrication, so a reduction in those levels can lead to discomfort that might be experienced during sexual intercourse.

To remedy this, being open and communicating with partners can really help prevent discomfort during this period.

Increased Risk Of Dental Issues 

Dental issues are probably the last thing that comes to mind during menopause, so it is natural that not knowing about these issues is pretty common. However, hormones and other changes experienced during menopause can affect the tissues present in our mouth and can cause dental issues, too.

Estrogen, in particular, helps maintain bone density, so a reduction in estrogen levels can cause the bones in the mouth to weaken, leading to possible tooth loss and gum disease. These changes can also cause your mouth to feel dryer than usual, so cavities are also a regular occurrence during menopause.

Making sure you maintain good oral hygiene and get regular checkups during menopause is key to maintaining good dental health.


Menopause, as you might know by now, is a multifaceted journey that comes with changes in several aspects of your life, which is why it is important to understand some of the lesser-known changes in your body to help you manage them better if they do arise.

Dr. Karen Pike, a renowned expert in women's health, emphasizes the significance of acknowledging these lesser-known symptoms.

Some of these changes include experiencing a metallic taste in your mouth, along with skin changes and even cognitive challenges. By understanding more about these changes, more and more women can navigate through menopause with more strength and resilience!


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