
Have a happy home in the new year

Happy proof your home ready for the New Year

New year is a great time to focus on ourselves and our wellbeing. This past year we have spent more time at home than ever before; therefore, it’s never been more important to ensure our homes are making us happy.

Our home’s interior can significantly affect our mood, with a whole host of things including colour, lighting and furnishings impacting how we feel every day.


Declutter wardrobe at home

Eight tips for tackling a wardrobe clear-out

Lockdown is undoubtedly difficult and draining, but luckily, there are plenty of creative things to do for entertainment while you’re waiting out the pandemic – like finally tackling those niggly bits of house admin you’ve been putting off.

A good place to start is your wardrobe. A clean, organised, streamlined closet is not only nice to look at, but can offer a little slice of calm...

How to declutter and detox your home (Habitat/PA)

How to make your home calmer and less cluttered in 8 simple steps

Spring is almost here – and the start of this new season often makes us yearn for clean, calm, refreshed spaces at home.

Amy Brandhorst and Athina Bluff, aka interior design duo , have teamed up with Habitat to share expert tips on how to banish your home’s winter hangover and make it warm weather-ready and fabulous.

The stylish pair have...