
About 9% of children in the UK do not have access to a laptop at home

Government efforts to narrow digital divide will still leave disadvantaged children in the cold

The Government’s last-minute decision to close schools to the vast majority of children has again highlighted the so-called digital divide – the large number of homes where there are insufficient digital devices for pupils to work on – or no broadband connection at all. About 9% of children in the UK – between 1.1 million and 1.8 million – do not have access to a laptop, desktop or tablet at...

Unlocking the potential of online promotions

In a digitally driven marketplace, promotions and offers are vital tools in a business's marketing arsenal. From online shopping to digital services, clever promotional strategies engage customers, influence their buying decisions and enhance their overall experience. Interestingly, the world of online gaming has adopted a uniquely interactive approach to this, using strategies such as free...


Advantages of newspaper advertising

As a former editor I can assure you that adverting in printed newspapers is a diminishing return. Why?

Latest statistics show that national newspaper sales have slumped by two thirds in 20 years UK national newspaper sales slump by two-thirds in 20 years amid digital disruption .

And, unlike digital advertising, it is very difficult to measure your return on investment....