
Rainbow on rainy days at home

Seven reasons why rainy days in lockdown can be a good thing

The weather has the power to change our mood – from joy-inducing sunshine, to the thrill of opening the curtains to snow on a winter’s day.

That is not so much the case with rain, which can turn our plans upside down, and leave us housebound when we wanted to be outdoors. This is especially true during lockdown, when time outside is so very precious.

Suddenly garden time,...

How to stay safe in heavy rain and flooding

Cancel your garden parties and load up on sandbags.

It’s been a funny old summer, to say the least.

Record-setting heat has cooked the European continent, interspersed with cracks of forked lightning flashing across the sky. Now a set of storm warnings bring the latest twist in the tale, predicting torrential rain and possible flooding in some parks of the UK.
