spring clean

Make your home sparkling clean with these top tips

Spring Clean your kitchen with these easy hacks

It’s starting to get warmer; the days are getting longer, and the warm light is making it a little more obvious where you haven’t dusted in a while… it’s time for a spring clean!

Although we know we should be cleaning thoroughly throughout the year, there’s no better time than spring to put on those rubber gloves and give everything a deep clean.

Over the past 12 months,...

House moths and clothes moths feast on and live in household textiles

Trade body puts the spotlight on textile pests in spring clean season

A spring clean is a perfect opportunity to protect clothes, upholstery and carpets from moths and beetles, British Pest Control Association (BPCA) has advised.

As warmer weather is on the horizon and householders consider a big spring sort out, BPCA is urging people to take steps now to protect their textiles.

House moths and clothes moths feast on and live in household...

How to declutter and detox your home (Habitat/PA)

How to make your home calmer and less cluttered in 8 simple steps

Spring is almost here – and the start of this new season often makes us yearn for clean, calm, refreshed spaces at home.

Amy Brandhorst and Athina Bluff, aka interior design duo https://www.topologyinteriors.com , have teamed up with Habitat to share expert tips on how to banish your home’s winter hangover and make it warm weather-ready and fabulous.

The stylish pair have...

Six of the smallest spring-cleaning hacks that will have the biggest impact on your life

It may be a good few weeks before the clocks spring forward, but with daylight soon to be streaming through the windows in the early hours, things we’ve been turning a blind eye to are suddenly in the spotlight… namely dust and grime.

We will soon all be turning into Mrs Mops and dedicating any spare time we have to cleaning.

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. To help you...