
Symptoms and how to prevent burn out

UK students suffering exam burn out

As exams are approaching for UK students, many will feel their academics are suffering due to burnout.

Whether it be from taking too many extra classes or pulling all-nighters to study for exams, eventually the workload from assignments along with trying to maintain a social life will start to catch up with them.

The experts at Delamere share insight into the symptoms of...

Top tips to help secure your space

Top tips from Yale for home security for students

When compared to other groups, students are at a higher risk of burglary thanks to a number of factors; students are often residents in houses with sub-standard security measures, and are frequently new to the areas that they are living in. These factors can often mean that students are at a higher risk of burglary than other groups.

To help reduce the risk of break-ins at your new...

3 in 4 Brits believe students wouldn’t tell a parent if they have financial troubles

New research has uncovered students' spending secrets and bargain blunders, and while 68% of respondents believing that students have no issues managing their money, over three quarters (78%) said that students would never tell a parent if they were experiencing financial troubles. The research, commissioned by printing and visual imaging company Epson, has unveiled that the UK believes that...