Getting into Locksport
Have you ever wanted to know how to pick locks?
Have you ever wanted to test your home security systems? If yes, locksport could be your new favourite pastime.
Locksport, also known as lockpicking, is the sport of picking locks. Some get into locksport to make their homes more secure and others find it fun to learn the skill of picking every type of lock.
However, before you break the bank to invest in lockpicking tools, start with the basics by using a paper clip to unlock a door.
But before you do anything else, scroll down to read the golden rules, which will save you a lot of trouble.
Know the golden rules
- Do not pick locks that don’t belong to you- unless you like serving time, it’s best to avoid locks that aren’t yours. Yeah, bad idea, really bad idea, but you don’t have to be told that… Do you?
- Do not pick locks that are already in use- if you’re inexperienced, picking locks may cause damage, so only pick them if you are ready to take that risk and they are not in the actual doors you use. Otherwise you might be calling for an emergency locksmith before you know it. However, if you are thinking of changing your locks, keep the old ones as this would be the perfect time to practise your picking.
Lockpicking techniques
Single pin picking- single pin picking is the technique that might be initially difficult to master but is worthwhile as it will open more locks than most of the other techniques. For this lockpicking method, each pin must be picked individually for the lock to open. Be warned- it might take some time, so be sure to be patient as all locks are not made equally.
Make sure to practise regularly to master this technique.
Raking- Raking is a type of lockpicking that quickly and effectively opens locks and all you need is a set of rakes.
For some, it is the easiest way of lockpicking.
But keep in mind that raking will not work on every lock but it is still worthwhile gaining the skills to excel in it. Also, raking will open up locks faster than single-pin picking. To open a lock, insert a rake into the lock, apply tension and move the rake in a slow circular motion. And the great thing about raking is that it unlocks each pin all at once, so it is not something you need to spend much time on. If your lock is still not opening after several minutes, try bypassing.
Bypassing- bypassing is a usual technique to open up combination locks. You can invest in bypass tools which will help you unlatch the lock. Shims (a fine, small piece of material that fits between objects to provide support) are used as a common way to bypass locks.
Electric pick guns- electric pick guns are staples in a lockpicker’s inventory. As long as they are charged, they should be able to quickly and easily unpin any lock and are particularly useful for unlocking doors.
An electric pick gun contains metal pieces that are inserted into a lock, and as the metal vibrates, the pins are pushed up, allowing the lock to be opened.
Join a lockpicking community
Lockpicking is a niche sport with a limited national presence. To learn more about the sport, consider joining locksport communities. These groups could offer encouragement, advice, and opportunities to participate in competitive lockpicking. With enough practice and patience, lockpicking could become a rewarding hobby for you.
Joining these communities not only provides a chance to improve your skills but also allows you to connect with experienced lockpickers and make new friends who share your interests.
Final thoughts
If you enjoy the challenge of defeating locking systems, locksport could be the right hobby for you. With patience and a willingness to develop the skills needed to unpin even the most difficult locks, locksport can become a great pastime.
It's important to stay within the law and be mindful of the stigma associated with lockpicking due to its links with burglary. Always use your newfound knowledge responsibly and ethically.
Make sure to invest in better security systems as your skills advance in locksport, as you will soon find out how little time it can take to open up some locks.