
Take away pizza a popular choice is cost of living crisis bites

Take away pizza a popular choice as cost of living crisis bites

The nation is still going mad for a low-cost takeaway with Foodhub reporting a +3.8% growth in 2022, according to new data released today.

New data from Foodhub demonstrates that people are opting to stay at home in order to save money, while still spending quality time with loved ones with a local takeaway.

The data also discovered pizza has been named the UK’s most popular...

PIZZA has been named the UK’s most popular takeaway of 2022

Pizza named the UK's most popular takeaway of 2022 so far

PIZZA has been named the UK’s most popular takeaway of 2022, as almost one in five Brits (16%) admitted that the cheesy treat is their go-to takeaway, according to new research released today.

The study, conducted by innovative food ordering company, Foodhub, delved into the takeaway habits of the nation, with the Italian classic, a- doughed by many, coming out on top as the most...

Which pizza topping will top the charts

Tournament of Toppings: Brits vote for their number one pizza topping

The Euro 2020 tournament has undoubtedly had the nation on the edge of their seats, but it wasn’t the only gruelling knockout tournament taking place, with the ever-debated discussion of the ultimate pizza topping being battled out once and for all in Chicago Town’s Tournament of Toppings.

In a quest to discover the nation’s favourite, twelve of Chicago Town’s iconic pizza toppings...