
Self-Care and Wellness Tips for Thriving Post-Divorce

Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in one's life. The end of a marriage often brings a wave of emotions and a period of adjustment. However, with the right strategies and support, it is possible to not only survive but also thrive post-divorce.

It’s important to build a support network around you, from family, friends to divorce solicitors and...

The Best Herbs for Health and Wellness

Achieving optimal health and wellness is a goal for many people today. With busy modern lifestyles, finding natural ways to boost energy, reduce stress, and feel balanced has become a priority. Using medicinal herbs is one excellent way to promote health through simple daily practices. Many common culinary and botanical herbs not only provide flavour but also offer therapeutic properties to...

Fighting Age-Related Loss of Muscle Mass

Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass that occurs naturally as we age. The adage ‘use it or lose it’ applies. It’s a great idea to lift weights as you get older to counter this decline in muscle mass. Maintaining muscle and strength is associated with a better quality of life due to greater physical resilience and less physical restrictions. For example, someone who stays strong in their...

The Important of Strength Training

If you don’t use muscle, you lose muscle. Our bodies have evolved to maintain only the muscle we need to complete our daily jobs. This is because muscles require calories, so the bigger you are, the more you need to eat. In hunter-gatherer societies (and urbanised societies until quite recently), food wasn’t easily available, and there would have been periods when it was scarce. Having excess...

Hand open holding tablets

Three myths about vitamin supplements

Have you been wondering if you should be taking vitamins? Or perhaps you’re concerned you’re not taking enough? Here, we debunk some of the most common myths about vitamin supplements and separate fact from fiction to help you to make informed choices for your health.

Myth 1: Supplements stop you from getting ill

No! Sadly, supplements cannot stop you from getting ill....

Looking after our wellbeing is never more important than during the winter months

Expert how to: wellness in the colder weather

Looking after our wellbeing is never more important than during the winter months – from our physical health to our mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, all which are interconnected.

Even the smallest things can have a big impact on our overall wellbeing, which is why Yakult have partnered with a panel of experts (from dietitians, to psychologists, to professors) to advise...

OVER a quarter of the nation are focusing on health and wellness related goals this year

Brits to prioritise 'me time' moments in 2023

OVER a quarter of the nation (28%) are focusing on health and wellness related goals for this year’s New Year’s resolution[i].

With 42% of Brits claiming focusing on exercise and getting a good night’s sleep is the key to improving their overall mental wellbeing.

The study, which was carried out by expert spa skincare brand, fenjal , saw 2,000 Brits1 polled to discover how...

The best places in the  UK to get lots of fresh air into our lungs.

Escape the office at these top digital detox destinations

With so many of us looking to make wellness and mental health a priority this year it has never been more important to make the most of our time off work. But which are the best places in the UK to relax, unwind and get lots of fresh air into our lungs.

Brecon Beacons Holiday Cottages have investigated a number of different factors such as clean air, population density, walking...

Half of respondents reported paying monthly for video streaming services

Average UK adult spends nearly £500 on subscription services a year

The subscription economy is booming, with almost four out of five (79%) adults in the UK signed up to at least one, spending on average £475 a year. Yet, while 96% of people say they are now focused on their holistic health, only 13% reported paying monthly for health benefits that could help them with everyday wellness, according to a recent survey conducted by Simplyhealth.

As one...

Virtual Self-Care and Wellness Expo aims to help address Covid lockdown-related health issues

It’s no secret that the current Pandemic has had a detrimental effect on many individuals’ mental health, writes Amy Blythe .

The uncertainty of the future; health, finances and returning to school and work are big factors in this increase in anxiety. Even before the Pandemic, poor mental health was on the rise. We live in a fast paced, pressured world. We often rush from chore to...