
How to Maintain a Glowing Visage All Year Round

Your face is the most striking part of your body. It is often the first thing that many people notice about you, so you need to make sure it always looks beautiful and naturally glowing.

The visage you represent to the world can have an effect on your confidence and the way you hold yourself, so it's important that you get it right.

Throughout the year, changes such as your...

seven beauty tips for those suffering with hay fever this season

Seven Beauty Survival Tips for Hay Fever Sufferers amid UK pill shortage

Pharmacists across the UK are running low on hayfever medication, due to an ingredient shortage - and the timing couldn’t be worse as forecasters predict a rise in pollen levels.

Fortunately, the research team at WeThrift have shared seven beauty tips for those suffering with hay fever this season. Having hay fever symptoms can be a real pain, especially when you want a simple beauty...

Perfumes with floral aromas were found to be the most popular among the royals

Platinum Jubilee: Celebrate with the Queen’s favourite fragrance

Experts at sourced a list of fragrances most worn by members of the English royal family. Perfumes were then inputted into Fragrantica to establish the most popular notes and scents fit for a royal.

Key Findings

  • Perfumes with floral aromas were found to be the most popular among the royals, making up more than 40% of the total occurring
  • ...

4 Tips on How to Take Care of Your Hair Extensions

Irrespective of whether you use your hair extensions frequently or only once in a blue moon, it is always a good idea to brush up on tips regarding their maintenance. Quality hair extensions, such as remy hair extensions , can be expensive assets in your wardrobe. The more you care for them, the longer their life is likely to be. Whether you use clip-in hair extensions or tape-in ones, given...

Top tips for keeping your style golden as ever

Expert shares easy hacks to keep dyed blonde hair fresh this summer

When you’re a colour-treated blonde, the struggle to keep it fresh, bright and beautiful is real. Even with the best intentions, that unwanted brassiness can find its way into your locks.

But blonde bombshells need worry no more as Neil Capstick, founder of Neäl & Wølf professional haircare, has rounded up his top tips for keeping your style golden as ever.

1. Switch to...

Mariano Ruiz, Hairdresser and Founder of SheWolf Haircare, shares top tips

Hair care Do's and Dont's everyone needs to know

There are a few major haircare mistakes that we often overlook and are unaware of, which may be causing you more stress than necessary. We live in an age of self-expression, and your hair is your crowning glory, so don't get caught up in the minor blunders that we all make. Mariano Ruiz, Hairdresser and Founder of SheWolf Haircare, is here to help you navigate the path to happy hair, and he...

The alternative to hair transplants

Hair fall has dramatically impacted your scalp, yet you think hair transplants might not be safe for you due to the possible infections, bruising, and extreme pain. Fortunately, there's a perfect treatment you have always been looking for. With PRP Treatment , you can restore your hair, without surgery!

Before anything else, let’s define and differentiate hair transplants and the PRP...

5 Sexy Perfumes Inspired by Greek Mythology

Greek mythology has, for centuries, been a source of inspiration for artists everywhere. Some of the greatest and most important works of art in history are inspired by or based on these epic tales—for good reason. The stories of the Greek gods and goddesses are captivating, mysterious, and more than a little lascivious .

It should come as no surprise, then, that there is not one but...

Heva Clinic Istanbul: Being bald is no longer destiny, it’s a choice

If you have been searching for the right team and modern facilities to get your hair back to it's former glory, Heva Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey may be just the place you are looking for. With too many hair-transplant clinics to choose from, many patients find it hard to decide on where to get their hair transplant done. Heva Clinic offers world-class surgeons and customer care that exceeds...

The ultimate morning routine for well-groomed men

If you’re one of the thousands of men that have switched to remote working or working from home this year, there’s every chance you have let your morning routine slip. Be honest here, are you reading this at midday while still in your pyjamas? Have you invested more money in ‘loungewear’ in the last few months than you have in a new bottle of shampoo?

If this all sounds like you, you...

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